Jake Roberts Once Tried To Take An Injured Alligator Home In His Car

Wrestlers spend a lot of time on the road traveling from town to town, and there have been many crazy stories shared by legends detailing those journeys. During the latest episode of "The Snake Pit", Jake Roberts shared another of those, involving an alligator. Roberts was on the road driving down Alligator Alley in a Plymouth station wagon with other wrestlers when "somebody runs over a f**ing alligator," a situation that few people expect to find themselves in. However, this led to them looking to help the alligator themselves.

"We back up and get out and make sure it's dead, and throw it in the back of that f***ing car. We were just going to take him home man, it's like a seven or eight-foot alligator or something," he said. "There was room for it right there, you can reach over the seat and pat him and everything." Despite the fact that they thought the alligator was dead, that wasn't quite true, as they heard the large reptile make a noise, which is not an ideal situation when you're tapped inside a car with it. "All of a sudden we hear it, that mother****** wasn't quite dead, no he was coming back," Roberts said. "So we had to go ahead and kill it, man."

Of course, Roberts is famous for working with a reptile, spending his career with a snake that he would throw onto his opponents to try and freak them out. However, that isn't something he is allowed to do anymore as TBS won't allow it.

If you use any quotes from this article, please credit "The Snake Pit" with a H/T to Wrestling Inc. for the transcription.

