Titus O'Neil Gives Advice To WWE Stars Who May Mess Up Royal Rumble Entrance

With the 2023 Royal Rumble at the center of many fans' minds, it's a fitting time to look back at some of the more memorable moments in the history of the Royal Rumble match. From "Stone Cold" Steve Austin winning the match a record three times, to Brock Lesnar entering the 2020 Royal Rumble match as WWE Champion and eliminating 13 participants in a row, there are plenty of moments to look back on.

One of the less triumphant moments in Rumble history took place at the special Greatest Royal Rumble event in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. There, Titus O'Neil famously stumbled on his way to the ring, sliding underneath the ring before regrouping and entering the match. The moment has lived on in infamy, although O'Neil and many fans look back on the blunder in a positive light, seeing it as a comical moment in wrestling history.

Recently, O'Neil spoke to Wrestling Inc. Senior News Editor Nick Hausman about the botch at this year's Royal Rumble press junket. During the interview, which will be available shortly on Wrestlinginc.com, the "Titus Worldwide" founder offered advice to wrestlers who might suffer a similar fate as him when doing their entrance. "Just keep going," O'Neil said. "Sometimes technical things happen, whatever it may be, but it's just like life. Something happens ... you just keep going."

Continuing, O'Neil said: "I could very easily have been dead and gone and not been here having this interview with you. I'm blessed."

A global ambassador for WWE, O'Neil finished his words of advice by saying: "You're going to have things that don't go your way. Just play through it ... eventually you'll see the light at the end of the tunnel."

