GCW Take A Picture 2023 Results (1/21): Los Mazisos Vs. Jordan Oliver & Nick Wayne For The GCW World Tag Team Championship

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Game Changer Wrestling presents Take a Picture 2023 from the Von Braun Center in Huntsville, Alabama. After retaining the GCW World Tag Team Championship against The Ugly Ducklings' Lance Lude and Rob Killjoy last night at GCW Don't Talk To Me 2023, Ciclope and Miedo Extremo will now put the gold on the line against Jordan Oliver and Nick Wayne. Notably, the up-and-coming duo previously lost to Los Mazisos at GCW No Signal in the Hills 2 in July 2022. The East West Express' last tag team outing saw them taste defeat on January 7 against reigning GCW World Champion Nick Gage and Matt Tremont. Before that bout, Wayne and Oliver had put together a string of GCW victories against teams such as Dyln McKay and Marcus Mathers of Wasted Youth and Mega B*****ds' John Wayne Murdoch and Alex Colon. 


Announced card prior to the show

* Los Mazisos (Ciclope and Miedo Extremo) (c) vs. Jordan Oliver and Nick Wayne for the GCW World Tag Team Championship

* Allie Katch vs. Cole Radrick

* Blake Christian vs. Cabana Man Dan

* Gringo Loco vs. Arez

* Sawyer Wreck vs. Billie Starkz

* Marko Stunt vs. Mike Jackson

* Tony Deppen vs. Adam Priest

Jay Briscoe Tribute And Scramble Match

- A tribute video was played for the late Jay Briscoe, who tragically passed away earlier this week. Ring announcer Emil Jay introduced reigning GCW World Champion Nick Gage. Wrestlers on tonight's card surrounded the ring. A ten-bell salute was observed for Briscoe. Gage said the performers in this evening's matches will represent Briscoe. 


Brogan Finlay vs. Yoya vs. Terry Yaki vs. Donnie Primetime vs. Brandon Williams vs. Jimmy Lloyd vs. Marcus Mathers vs. Hunter Drake in a scramble match

Williams immediately went after an ankle lock. Williams locked the move in on four different wrestlers at the same time. Lloyd took it to Drake and Mathers. After Lloyd was sent to the floor, Yoya entered and sent Mathers to the outside. Yaki delivered a DDT and planted Yoya into the mat. Primetime returned to the ring and was booed by the fans. Williams got the better of Primetime. 

Williams leaped from the apron to the floor to take out Primetime. Williams took out Lloyd in the ring. Primetime sent Williams down in the center of the canvas. Yaki attempted to get involved in the action but ate a double superkick. Yaki and Primetime dived to the floor to wipe out the remaining competitors in the match. On opposing sides of the ring, Mathers and Drake connected with a corner-to-corner missile dropkick at the same time. They followed it up by delivering a 450 splash simultaneously. 


Williams and Yoya fought in the center of the ring. Williams drove Yoya into the canvas and placed him in a submission. Primetime returned and broke up a pinfall attempt. Primetime and Finlay went at it. Yaki took out Primetime. Drake delivered a Spanish Fly to Yaki from the top turnbuckle to win. 

Winner: Hunter Drake via pinfall

Blake Christian Faces Cabana Man Dan

Blake Christian vs. Cabana Man Dan

Christian exited the ring and attempted to dictate the pace of the match. Christian connected with a chop to the chest and immediately headed to the floor again. After leaving the ring for a third time, Christian finally got into his groove and delivered more chops to Dan. Dan eventually responded with a crossbody. Dan sent Christian to the outside. Christian was taken off his feet with headscissors. Upon returning to the ring, Christian grabbed Dan's left leg and slammed it against the middle rope. Christian now targeted the injured leg. 


Dan briefly fought back. Christian delivered a superkick to Dan on the apron. Christian took out Dan's left leg and sent him tumbling to the floor. Back in the ring, Christian engaged with the fans as he continued to punish Dan. Dan eventually found an opening and delivered a DDT. Dan grabbed his flip-flop and tried to put it to use. Christian grabbed the flip-flop and threw it into the audience. Dan connected with a Code Red variation. Christian replied by landing a double stomp from the top turnbuckle. 

Dan continued to struggle with his injured left leg. Dan grabbed his second flip-flop. However, before he could utilize it, Christian connected with a combination of kicks. Christian charged out of the corner and delivered a dropkick. Dan picked up his flip-flop again and nailed Christian in the chest. Dan connected with an uppercut, but it wasn't enough to finish off Christian. 


On the floor, Christian threw a chair into the ring. The referee took it away. Christian grabbed a second chair and used it as a weapon while the referee was distracted. Christian connected with a stomp in the ring to pick up the victory. 

Winner: Blake Christian via pinfall

After the match, Christian draped Dan on a steel chair. Hunter Drake immediately entered the ring and came to the aid of Dan. Drake will battle Christian tomorrow night at GCW vs. New South. 

Gringo Loco And Arez Collide

Gringo Loco vs. Arez

The fast-paced action got going right way. Arez sent Loco out of the ring with a dropkick. Arez dived through the ropes to wipe out Loco. Loco was taken out again as Arez delivered a moonsault from the second turnbuckle to the floor. Arez continued to control proceedings as the action returned to the ring. 


Arez went for a high-risk move. Loco was able to take advantage after he moved out of the way. Loco sent two steel chairs into the ring. Loco hung Arez upside down in the corner of the ring. Loco placed a chair in front of his head and connected with a dropkick. Loco set up a steel chair at ringside and pulled out a door from underneath the ring. Arez leaped over the ropes and sent Loco crashing through the door. Arez used parts of the broken door as weapons.

Loco attempted to powerbomb Arez to the floor from the apron. Arez countered and delivered a DDT onto the broken door. Arez connected with a double stomp in the center of the ring, but it wasn't enough to put Loco away. Loco landed a cutter after springing off the turnbuckles.


Loco sent pieces of the broken door and a steel chair into the ring. Arez connected with a super rana from the top turnbuckle to send Loco onto the rubble below. Arez landed a frog splash. Loco kicked out of the pinfall attempt that followed. Arez set up a door bridge in the center of the ring. Arez placed Loco on top of the door. Loco joined Arez on the turnbuckles and delivered a sitout powerbomb through the door to obtain the win.

Winner: Gringo Loco via pinfall

Marko Stunt Against Mike Jackson and Bille Starkz Takes On Sawyer Wreck

Marko Stunt vs. Mike Jackson

Stunt spoke to Jackson and immediately disrespected him. Jackson backed Stunt into the corner of the ring. Jackson dropped Stunt with a belly-to-back suplex. Stunt responded and sent Jackson into the corner. Jackson replied and targeted the left arm of Stunt. Jackson attempted to go for Old School. Stunt put a stop to it. Stunt walked the ropes instead while holding Jackson's left wrist. Jackson took Stunt down and performed Old School. 


Stunt took the fight to Jackson but later allowed the veteran time to recover. Jackson delivered big right hands on the second turnbuckle. Stunt bit Jackson's head. Both wrestlers went back and forth. Jackson and Stunt collided after going for a clothesline at the same time. Jackson emerged victorious after rolling up Stunt with a small package. 

Winner: Mike Jackson via pinfall

Sawyer Wreck vs. Billie Starkz

Wreck delivered a big boot to Starkz right off the bat. Starkz grabbed a chair from underneath and struck Wreck with it several times. Wreck lifted Starkz up and dropped her on the steel chair. Wreck grabbed the chair and hit Starkz with it. Wreck placed the chair in front of Starkz and delivered a cannonball. Starkz was slammed onto the canvas with a delayed vertical suplex. Starkz fought back and connected with a kick to the side of the head. 


Starkz sent Wreck to the floor. Starkz dived through the ropes twice to wipe out Wreck. Upon returning to the ring, Starkz took control and connected with a series of kicks to the chest. Wreck hoisted Starkz up and sent her crashing down with a powerbomb. Starkz countered Wreck's second powerbomb attempt. Wreck delivered a chokeslam. Starkz got her shoulder up at the last second to avoid defeat. 

Wreck sent a door and two chairs into the ring. Wreck threw a chair at the head of Starkz. A door bridge was constructed in the center of the ring by Wreck. Wreck chokeslammed Starkz through the door from the ropes to secure the victory. 

Winner: Sawyer Wreck via pinfall

Tony Deppen Versus Adam Priest and Allie Katch Against Cole Radrick

Tony Deppen vs. Adam Priest

Deppen and Priest traded submissions as the match got underway. Deppen locked Priest in a headlock. Priest forced his way out of it. Priest rolled Deppen's next submission maneuver into a pinfall attempt. Deppen and Priest exchanged chops to the chest. Priest sent Deppen down with a big elbow. Priest went after Deppen's leg. 


Deppen took Priest off his feet and connected with a knee drop. Deppen leaped from the apron to wipe out Priest on the floor. Priest and Deppen exchanged blows in front of the fans. Deppen repeatedly chopped Priest in the chest as he sat on fans in the front row. Priest delivered a combination of strikes to Deppen in the ring. Priest landed a German suplex from the corner. Deppen drove Priest into the canvas. 

Priest sent Deppen to the outside. Deppen backdropped Priest onto the concrete floor. Deppen failed to connect with a double stomp and dropkick upon returning to the ring. Priest connected with a leg drop from the top. Both men went back and forth in the center of the ring. Priest spiked Deppen with a DDT to win. 


Winner: Adam Priest via pinfall

Allie Katch vs. Cole Radrick

Katch brought Radrick down to the mat with a headlock. Radrick took Katch down with a hand strike. Katch surprised Radrick with a pinfall attempt. Radrick took Katch off her feet and then connected with a shot to the back of the head. Radrick locked Katch in a chinlock. Radrick continued to keep Katch grounded. 

Katch crashed down on the chest of Radrick from the corner. Katch delivered a hip attack and cannonball as Radrick was against the bottom turnbuckle. Radrick responded but failed in his attempts to finish off Katch. Katch and Radrick exchanged forearm strikes in the center of the ring. Radrick hit a DDT. Katch reversed into a cover. Radrick trapped Katch in a submission hold. 

Radrick and Katch continued to go back and forth. Radrick struck Katch with a big punch to the face. Katch connected with a kick to the side of the head. Radrick landed two kicks to Katch's face. Radrick triumphed after planting Katch with a powerbomb variation. 

Winner: Cole Radrick via pinfall

- After the match, Katch took Radrick out with a hand strike. 

Teacher versus Student

Chrisjen Hayme vs. Corey Hollis

Hayme immediately gained the upper hand. Hollis exited the ring. Hayme went after him. Hayme delivered a combination of moves upon returning to the ring. Hayme connected with a moonsault from the second rope to wipe out Hollis on the floor. Hollis sent Hayme into the ring post. 


Hollis sent Hayme crashing down on the apron. Back in the ring, Hollis connected with a dropkick. Hollis locked Hayme in a headlock. Hayme attempted a roll-up. Hollis took Hayme off his feet with a lariat. Hollis headbutted Hayme in the corner of the ring. Hollis connected with a forearm. Hayme eventually responded and sent Hollis into the turnbuckles. 

Hayme and Hollis traded forearms in the center of the ring. Hollis charged into the corner, but nobody was home. Both wrestlers attempted a similar move simultaneously. Hayme took advantage of the situation. Hollis stopped Hayme in his tracks and locked in a crossface. Hayme delivered a big kick to Hollis. Hayme drove Hollis into the canvas before slamming him down to pick up the victory. 


Winner: Chrisjen Hayme via pinfall

- It's revealed that GCW will return to Huntsville in June. 

GCW World Tag Team Championship Match

Los Mazisos (Ciclope and Miedo Extremo) (c) vs. Jordan Oliver and Nick Wayne for the GCW World Tag Team Championship

All four wrestlers went at it as soon as the bell rang. Oliver and Wayne focused on Extremo and worked incredibly well together to take him out. Los Mazisos managed to halt The East West Express in their tracks. The match spilled out to the floor. Oliver and Extremo fought amongst the audience, while Wayne and Ciclope battled at ringside. 


Extremo introduced a door to the match. He smashed it over the head of Oliver and Wayne. Los Mazisos set up two doors on top of four chairs on the floor. Extremo kicked Oliver in between the legs. The champions sent two more doors into the ring. Los Mazisos continued to control the match. Extremo sent Oliver into the ring post. 

Wayne fought back and landed a Canadian Destroyer on Extremo. Oliver hit a combination of moves on Los Mazisos. Oliver and Wayne briefly worked in tandem again. Ciclope delivered a double Northern Lights suplex to the challengers. The East West Express and Los Mazisos exchanged strikes in the center of the ring.  

Wayne sent Extremo through the doors on the floor with a Spanish Fly. Moments later, Wayne leaped over the ropes to wipe out Extremo again. Oliver failed with a pinfall attempt after landing a Clout Cutter in the ring on Ciclope. The East West Express and Los Mazisos went back and forth. 


The champions connected with Doomsday, but it wasn't enough to retain the gold. Ciclope delivered a Canadian Destroyer to Wayne through a door bridge set up in the ring. Extremo launched Wayne into another door. Extremo drilled Wayne into the mat to win. 

Winners and STILL GCW World Tag Team Champions: Los Mazisos (Miedo Extremo and Ciclope) via pinfall

- That's all for GCW Take a Picture 2023! 

