This WWE WrestleMania Entrance Was Very Important To Finn Balor

WrestleMania season is just around the corner, and as it approaches, it's an appropriate time to reflect on memorable moments from the event. One particular entrance holds a special place in the heart of The Judgment Day's Finn Balor because of the message it delivered regarding unity. At WrestleMania 34, Balor competed in his first WrestleMania match, a triple threat for the Intercontinental Championship against The Miz and Seth Rollins. Before it got underway, Balor brought out members of New Orleans' LGBTQ+ community to share the stage during his entrance.


"I remember in the buildup to 'Mania being asked a lot like, 'Are you going to do The Demon? Are we going to do The Demon? How are we going to do this?'" Balor recalled on BT Sport. "And then, I remember having this idea to do this, and a lot of people were like, 'Oh, you definitely got to do The Demon! It's WrestleMania; it's your first WrestleMania! You've definitely got to do that entrance.' I remember thinking I've got something that's cooler, that's more important. I think I'd like to use the platform as a voice for change, and then, it was about three weeks before 'Mania, I brought it to Hunter and Stephanie, and they jumped on it straight away and said, '100%, they can do that.' And they helped me get in touch with the LGBTQ+ community in New Orleans, and they were actually members of the community there. They weren't extras."


Balor remains confident in his choice to put aside the beloved "Demon King" entrance at WrestleMania 34, saying [the LGBTQ+ stuff] "was a more important moment than any Demon could have ever been." Even with Balor's unforgettable entrance, Rollins would ultimately emerge victorious as the newly crowned Intercontinental Champion.

