Road Dogg On How Pro Wrestling Changed After Chris Benoit Tragedy

Brian "Road Dogg" James chimed in on the aftermath of the Chris Benoit tragedy and what impact it had on the wrestling industry. In June 2007, Benoit murdered his wife Nancy and son Daniel before committing suicide. Initially, WWE officials were only aware that Benoit, his wife, and his son had passed away which is why the company aired a tribute show dedicated to Benoit before the circumstances surrounding their deaths became apparent.


On his "Oh...You Didn't Know" podcast, James discussed whether or not the Benoit incident changed the wrestling industry.

"I don't wanna comment too much on this, but I don't think it changed — what did it have to do with wrestling? That honestly would be my question," James said. "This was a totally – like, I guess you're stretching if you're connecting that to wrestling."

James said if the same situation happened to a plumber, he doesn't think people would've connected the act to plumbing. He also said Benoit's actions were unimaginable, but he knew the man personally and thinks something just snapped within him. James believes it could've happened to anybody. Also, He believes the wrestling industry has taken positive steps when it comes to concussion protocol following the Benoit tragedy.


"It made the culture, or the environment safer," James said. "Look, I'm not saying that this horrible incident had to happen so that this could be better, but something positive did come out of it, and I'm so sorry to everybody involved and can't even fathom the feelings of the family members."

If you use any quotes from this article, please credit the "Oh...You Didn't Know" podcast with a H/T to Wrestling Inc. for the transcription.

