AEW Dynamite Results (11/16): Full Gear Go-Home Show, Jon Moxley Speaks, AEW World Trios Championship Match

This is Wrestling INC.'s results of "AEW Dynamite" for November 16, 2022!

Tonight is the go-home show for this Saturday's Full Gear PPV, and Tony Khan has put together a stacked event for that. Ahead of their upcoming AEW World Championship match, fans can expect to hear from both MJF and Jon Moxley as they get their final opportunity to gain a psychological edge.


Claudio Castagnoli and Bryan Danielson will be teaming up on the show to compete against Chris Jericho and Sammy Guevara, just days before all four men battle in singles competition for the ROH World Championship in a fatal-four-way match. 

There is also a title match set for "AEW Dynamite" as Death Triangle will be defending their AEW World Trios Championships against the team of Top Flight and AR Fox.

Toni Storm will also be facing Anna Jay in a match that could have title implications, as this is a title eliminator bout, meaning Jay would get a future shot if she was to win.

Elsewhere, Anthony Bowens will be facing Swerve Strickland in singles action, with both men looking to get momentum for their teams ahead of the AEW World Tag Team Championship match on Saturday at Full Gear. Plus, The Acclaimed are going to be dropping a brand new music video for the first time.


After turning on Wardlow last week, Samoa Joe is going to explain his actions tonight, while Tony Schiavone is also going to sit down and chat with Britt Baker and Saraya before they compete at Full Gear.

Finally, the AEW World Title Eliminator tournament is set to continue as Ethan Page meets Bandido in a semi-final match, with both men looking to book their place at Saturday's PPV.

Bryan Danielson & Claudio Castagnoli vs. Sammy Guevara & Chris Jericho

Straight away all four men begin brawling with Chris Jericho and Claudio Castagnoli taking things to the outside, and it is the two Blackpool Combat Club stars who take an early advantage, as they reign down the hammer and anvil elbows on their opponents. Castagnoli connects with a boot to the face of Sammy Guevara, but after avoiding his opponent impressively the Spanish God connects with a dropkick. 


Castagnoli immediately responds by powering up his opponent hitting a delayed vertical suplex that sees him squat several times first. Jericho then eats the same move as Castagnoli then splashes on both of them as Bryan Danielson tags in and starts lighting up Guevara's chest. He first back by going after the eye, and that allows Jericho to tag in and take control for his team.

Danielson can make a tag happen though and Castagnoli stretches Jericho out while also mocking Guevara. Danielson then returns but Jericho tags out as well and the JAS members hit a double shoulder tackle to regain control. Guevara then eats several strikes from Danielson as he charges in with his running dropkicks to the corner, but then Guevara reverses and sends his opponent into the turnbuckle. However, with the official distracted, Jericho comes in and uses his baseball bat to strike Danielson in the eye.


The two heels then work together to hit a delayed vertical suplex, but Danielson can kick out after an arrogant cover from Jericho. Danielson manages to fight back and tag out, and Castagnoli starts attacking both men, launching Guevara into Jericho before firing a series of uppercuts at the ROH World Champion. He looks for the Neutralizer but Jericho reverses only for the BCC member to fire back immediately with a springboard attack.

Castagnoli goes for the Big Swing but Guevara denies it with a superkick, and the Walls Of Jericho are then set as Guevara dives out of the rope to attack Danielson as he then pulls the rope away from him. Danielson comes back by sending Guevera into the ring post as he breaks the submission with a missile dropkick. He then tags in and hits an elbow strike, which is followed by his usual kicks, but again Guevara goes to the eye and he then connects with a knee strike.

However, Danielson reverses the GTH and then sets in the LeBell Lock which he wriggles out of. The two then head to the top turnbuckle as Guevera bites him and then hits a Cutter off the ropes. Jericho comes in with a Lionsault but Claudio breaks up the pinfall before launching Guevara into the air for an uppercut, only to be thrown out of the ring. Jericho and Danielson then both collide, but as Danielson taps out he then wipes out Guevara with a dive through the ropes. 


Jericho tries to use the bat, but Castagnoli swings him around instead! He then locks in the Sharpshooter with the bat for help as the champion submits. 

Winners: Claudio Castagnoli & Bryan Danielson

Anthony Bowens vs. Swerve Strickland

A video package is shown of a body bag being crowd-surfed and then picked up by Sting and placed into a car. Sting says at Full Gear, it's show time. Jeff Jarrett and his crew are shown backstage as he says it will be the last time for Sting. 


The Acclaimed then arrive with their classic rap, and they then show their music video which features Paul Wight being Captain Insano as they reenact the classic movie scene while people pretend to be Swerve In Our Glory, and the rap then kicks in. 

Before the match begins Billy Gunn attacks Swerve Strickland as he and Max Caster are then sent to the back, but it allows Anthony Bowens to attack his opponent straight away as he then stomps the hand of Strickland on the stairs. Inside the ring, Bowens continues to remain in control until Swerve pulls down the arm of Bowens on the top rope. Swerve kicks away the arm of Bowens and follows it with a dropkick as he then dives out of the ring to keep the attack going, before hitting a pump kick from the apron. 


Strickland continues things outside the ring by throwing Bowens onto the barricade as he then falls into the seats of the fans. The assault continues as Bowens is launched into the ring post, and then he wraps Bowens' arm around the top rope to add pressure before nailing a huge boot to the face. Strickland then hits a big kick to the back of Bowens, but he then takes too long as his leg gets swept with Strickland's head bouncing off the top turnbuckle. 

Bowens charges in with a back elbow, and he then drops him in the middle of the ring but only gets a near fall. Despite that Strickland responds with a Brainbuster, and he follows it with another kick to the face, but Bowens kicks out. He then snaps back the arm of Bowens and hits the Swerve Stomp, but Bowens still kicks out! Strickland then yanks the arm of Bowens yet again when he looks for a roll-up, following that by planting him down to the mat for the win. 

Winner: Swerve Strickland

Samoa Joe Explains His Actions

A video package is shown hyping up the TBS Championship match for Full Gear.

Tony Schiavone is then inside the ring as he welcomes out the ROH Television Champion Samoa Joe and asks why he attacked Wardlow last week as the fans chant for the TNT Champion. Joe says it's an honor to share the ring with Schiavone, and he asks if it is shocking for a man to refuse to be a victim, that you take action after hearing that someone wants something from you.


He asks if it's shocking that the most dangerous man in the room was him, and for that mistake, he paid the ultimate price. Joe refuses to wait around and be a victim like people in this building, the people who wait for the storm to hit, for someone to save them. He saved himself, and if anyone has a problem they can take it up with him, which leads to Powerhouse Hobbs arriving on the scene. 

He says Joe is late to the party, as he has been the one kicking Wardlow's ass recently, so he asks if he should come to the ring and kick his ass. Joe encourages it and tells him to come to catch one, but before that can happen Wardlow's music hits. However, he appears from the fans and Spears Joe, but instantly gets jumped by Hobbs as Joe then charges back in. All three men try to fight until the AEW roster spills out as they try to keep them apart. Wardlow starts dropping security, but The Dark Order then stands aside for him as he then launches himself over the top rope to take everyone out on the outside. 


Britt Baker is then shown backstage as she points out that in three years she went from a nervous happy-to-be here girl to the face of the company. She became a leader, and she knows that role means she takes the blame when everyone else takes the credit. She wasn't handed anything Saraya wasn't, which was an opportunity. She ran with it until she became undeniable. 

She didn't wrestle in MSG, but she did in Daily's Place for over a year when the fans couldn't come, they kept the fire burning which was an era Saraya will never know. She respects Saraya for fighting addiction and coming back from injury, and paving the ground, but the business has moved on and she won't belittle her accomplishments because she's stuck in the past. Baker claims she is the pulse of AEW, and if Saraya thinks she is above that, she can get out.

Death Triangle (c) vs. Top Flight & AR Fox (AEW World Trios Championship Match)

Rey Fenix kicks things off with Darius Martin as both men go back and forth with their fast-paced work which leads to a stalemate that gets an ovation as they shake hands. Penta comes in as Dante Martin swaps with his respective brother, and they then do the same as the previous pair until Martin sends out the champion with a dropkick as AR Fox then tags into the ring as does PAC. 


PAC immediately tries to bring him down to the mat, but Fox shows his athletic ability as well until he runs into a kick to the midsection, but he responds with an enziguri. Fox goes for an elbow in the corner and rolls through with a cutter as Fox then vaults off the ring post to land a moonsault to PAC outside the ring. He connects with a senton back in the ring but Penta breaks it up with a kick to the face only for Top Flight to even the odds. They launch PAC into the air as he is caught with another cutter by Fox.

The babyfaces then look to dive outside but the champions meet them with thrust kicks and then a three-way dropkick to Fox, and the trio then all flip and land on Fox at the same time, but he can kick out. Penta then tags in and chops Fox, and he then dives and lands on the legs of Fox while Fenix holds him still. He then hits a big kick to the elbow and then one to the leg as he picks the body parts.


PAC comes back but he eats a big boot and Darius tags in and picks up the pace with a running boot. Top Flight then holds each other as Darius leaps backward over his brother to top Fenix's plans, and they take out all three of their opponents with impressive high-flying work. Top Flight then both showcase great aerial moves to take out their opponents, and Fox does the same as the challengers regain control. 

Fox eats a thrust kick, but he responds with a Spanish Fly from the top turnbuckle and then a 450 Splash to Fenix, but PAC breaks the pinning attempt. Despite that, he bounces back with a heel kick and the Lucha Bros hit the Fear Factor as Fenix dives out of the ring to take out Top Flight. PAC hits the Black Arrow, and the champions retain. 

Winners (and still AEW World Trios Champions): Death Triangle 

After the match, PAC asks if people think they're stupid, they have seen the videos and heard the rumors. He says if certain individuals think they can make their triumphant return this Saturday and best the Death Triangle, that is ridiculous. He says if they (The Elite) want some, then they can bring the heat because they run from nobody.

The clock is then shown as it is announced that The Elite will be facing Death Triangle this Saturday for the titles. PAC says they might think they're coming for them, but they have been waiting for The Elite.


Ethan Page vs. Bandido (AEW World Title Eliminator Semi-Final Match)

Bandido starts the match out with an electric pace to take control, and he showcases his strength with a suplex which gets him a near fall. Ethan Page pulls the referee for a distraction which allows Stokely Hathaway to pull the foot of Bandido, and in turn, Page gets his attack in to get on top of this encounter. He works the midsection of Bandido and slams him to the mat, earning a near fall. 


The masked man tries to fight back, but as he charges into the corner Page undercuts him and Bandido goes face-first into the top turnbuckle as "All Ego" follows it with a major Irish whip to the other corner. Bandido then does the same to him, and he then kicks the buckle in his face before a baseball slide that sends Page to the floor, catching Page in the face with a boot after, which he follows with a moonsault to the floor. 

Inside the ring Bandido, he hits another high-flying move, but his 21 Plex attempt is blocked as Page springs back in through the ropes with a cutter, which almost gets the job done. Page then looks for the Avalanche Ego's Edge, but he counters it with a hurricanrana, and he then hits a one-armed power slam before heading to the top rope to nail a Frog Splash, but Page just kicks out!


Bandido goes back to the top turnbuckle, but Page pulls the top rope to make him spill. They both end up on the top turnbuckle and Page tosses him across the ring with a bodyslam before coming down with an elbow and then the Ego's Edge to advance.

Winner (advancing to the final): Ethan Page

Saraya is then with Renee Paquette and she feels fantastic as she was told getting back in the ring wouldn't happen. She's sick of the back and forth, she chose to be here because she wants to beat the best and that is Britt Baker, she will see her at Full Gear.

Toni Storm vs. Anna Jay (Interim AEW Women's World Championship Eliminator Match)

Anna Jay smartly avoids several attempts to lock up, but Toni Storm eventually gets her hands on her opponent as she brings down the Jericho Appreciation Society member with a shoulder tackle a kick, and then a big boot. Storm then flips her across the ring, but Jay sees her attack in the corner coming and she steps aside and then kicks the back of her knee before pulling Storm down with a backstabber. 


Jay charges into the corner with a kick to the face, following up by putting pressure on Storm's neck on the bottom rope. The two women then go back and forth with some punches but Jay comes out on top, following up with an elbow in the corner as she then pushes her foot into the throat of the champion. She nails a forearm and then another elbow strike, but it only gains a near fall. 

The two then trade strikes, and Storm then drops her opponent before reigning down with punches as the aggression intensifies. She charges in with a lariat and then a Fisherman Suplex, but Jay manages to kick her out. Jay tries to get out of the way but she is dropped to the floor with a hip attack, only for Jay to goad her in, sending Storm into the stairs before dropping the champion face-first onto the floor. 


Back in the ring Jay connects with a thrust kick and she then drops her face-first again, but it only gets a near fall. Storm responds with a shotgun dropkick and then the Hip Attack in the corner before locking in the Texas Cloverleaf for a submission win. 

Winner: Toni Storm

After the match Jamie Hayter storms down to the ring and they have a staredown. 

Jon Moxley & MJF Discuss Full Gear

Jon Moxley is out first, he says he is the best professional wrestler on planet Earth, he is the baddest SOB in this game, and he has traveled looking for the toughest challenges and has defined the AEW World Championship. The announcers say he loves to fight like it's something to be admired, but it isn't. Moxley says he is sick in the head as he is addicted to adrenaline, pain, and hurting himself and his opponent, he loves it. 


Moxley says you can't hurt him because he doesn't care, and that is who Moxley is. Last week he asked who MJF is, and he scouts his opponents and he did some research. He found out MJ is a good singer, he has one win in this ring in the past six months, beating his young boy. He says he got given a poker chip in the worst ending to a ladder match that he has ever seen, and that's what they came to.

Forgive him if he's not exactly shaking in his boots. He says the fans see a version of what he wants, but he sees a kid playing wrestler and a man filled with fear that he might not live up to the hype. Moxley says MJF isn't challenging him, he is challenging MJF to show him something, show him why everyone thinks he will be the future.


Stokely Hathaway then appears and The Firm hit the ring as they attack Moxley while holding back William Regal until MJF appears. He drops The Gunns and Lee Moriarty, but he then hits W. Morrissey with a low blow before avoiding a kick from Page who hits the big man, and he then shoves him out as well. He tells The Firm to get out before he shoves his boot up their ass. 

MJF says he didn't save him because he liked him, it's because he doesn't want any excuses when he knocks him out. MJF says his goal was to become the best wrestler in the world, and he knows he is in for a fight this Saturday, but he's not the same kid he was the last time they fought for the gold. Moxley can make him bleed and pop his bones, but he won't stop because he needs the belt more than he needs water, food, and oxygen. 

MJF says holding that title makes you the best wrestler on Earth, and it is his time.  He says Moxley will find out he is the devil himself, but before he can hit his catchphrase Moxley pulls the microphone, and he says he didn't see what the big deal with him was anyway. But this weekend he will pull it out of him and the training wheels will come off, and the two men then staredown to close the show.  

