GCW Wisconsin Death Trip 2022 Results (11/13): Mance Warner Vs. John Wayne Murdoch In A Taipei Deathmatch, More

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Game Changer Wrestling presents Wisconsin Death Trip 2022 from the La Pica Lounge in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. After winning the seventh Nick Gage Invitational last night, John Wayne Murdoch will step into the ring to face Mance Warner of the Second Gear Crew in a Taipei Deathmatch. Murdoch overcame Big Joe, Cole Radrick, and Alex Colon to win the deathmatch tournament last night in Summit Park District, IL, and will now face Warner one-on-one for the first time in GCW. 

Also tonight, Ciclope and Miedo Extremo of Los Mazisos, who both individually competed in the seventh Nick Gage Invitational last night, will defend the GCW World Tag Team Championship against Dysfunction and Eric Dillinger. It will be Los Mazisos' first title defense since defeating The Wolf Zaddies (Bad Dude Tito and Che Cabrera) at GCW Hit Em Up on October 29


Announced card before the show

* Mance Warner vs. John Wayne Murdoch in a Taipei Deathmatch 

* Los Mazisos (Ciclope and Miedo Extremo) (c) vs. Dysfunction and Eric Dillinger for the GCW World Tag Team Championship

* Cole Radrick vs. Toshiyuki Sakuda

* Big Joe vs. Hunter Freeman

* Nick Wayne vs. Carlos Romo 

* Sawyer Wreck vs. Jimmy Lloyd

* Jordan Oliver vs. Blake Christian vs. Alec Price

GCW World Champion Nick Gage Speaks and Nick Wayne vs. Carlos Romo

- GCW World Champion Nick Gage headed to the ring. Gage spoke about his relationship with Milwaukee and asked where his gang was at. Emil Jay introduced Gage. Gage kept it short and sweet, hyping up the fans ahead of tonight's card. 


Nick Wayne vs. Carlos Romo

Wayne found out what Romo was all about in the early stages of the match. Wayne responded with headscissors and attempted to keep Romo grounded. Wayne picked up the pace and hit a flurry of moves. Romo took Wayne down with a lariat. Romo attempted to wear down Wayne on the canvas. Wayne went for a handspring off the ropes, but Romo caught him with a dropkick. Romo delivered a hard kick to the back of Wayne. 

Wayne replied with a Cutter and followed it up with a fisherman's suplex. Romo connected with a running knee strike. Romo became frustrated after Wayne kicked out of his pin attempt. Romo was sent to the outside. Wayne took a dive through the middle rope to take him out. Wayne hit Code Red back in the ring. Romo stopped Wayne in his tracks and landed a piledriver in the center of the ring. Romo landed an Ace Crusher, but Wayne eventually connected with a Clout Cutter from the second rope to win. 


Winner: Nick Wayne via pinfall

- After the match, Wayne and Romo shook hands. 

- Shots of Milwaukee were shown. A shot outside the La Pica lounge was shown, where tonight's show is taking place.  

- The show was slightly delayed due to issues with the ring. 

Three-Way Match and Sawyer Wreck vs. Jimmy Lloyd

Blake Christian vs. Alec Price vs. Jordan Oliver in a three-way match

Price argued with the fans as the match got underway. Oliver and Christian took out Price before battling each other. Price shoved both Christian and Oliver. Christian and Oliver worked together again to take out Price. Oliver caught Christian with a side slam. Price returned and went straight after Oliver. Price took control of the match and toyed with Oliver. Oliver turned the tables and suplexed Price out of the corner. 


Christian returned. Christian took out Oliver on the outside with a flip from the apron. Back in the ring, Price took control once again and grounded Christian. Christian fought back and took down Price with a clothesline. Oliver made his way back into the ring to get involved in the action. Christian hit a combination of moves on Price after taking Oliver down. On the top turnbuckle, Christian sent Price and Oliver down with a Sunset Bomb variation. 

Christian began to build momentum and landed a frog splash on Price. Christian took out Oliver and Price on the outside. Oliver landed a flurry of moves on Christian, but it wasn't enough to win the match. Christian delivered a Spanish Fly and springboard 450 splash on Price to win. 


Winner: Blake Christian via pinfall

Sawyer Wreck vs. Jimmy Lloyd

Wreck immediately speared Lloyd through a door in the corner of the ring. Wreck took a metal plate and headbutted it into the arm of Lloyd. Lloyd took out Wreck at ringside by diving through the ropes. Lloyd set up some chairs on the outside. Wreck landed a Code Red back inside the ring. Wreck hammered some skewers into the head of Lloyd while he was on the apron. Wreck delivered a big boot, which sent Lloyd into the chairs at ringside. 

Back in the ring, Lloyd and Wreck went back-and-forth with forearm strikes. Lloyd stuck a metal plate in the head of Wreck. Lloyd smashed a handful of tubes on Wreck's head. Lloyd delivered a package piledriver. Lloyd sent Wreck through a wooden door in the corner of the ring. Wreck chokeslammed Lloyd onto some tubes. Wreck delivered a second chokeslam to win. 

Winner: Sawyer Wreck via pinfall

GCW World Tag Team Championship Match and Big Joe vs. Hunter Freeman

Los Mazisos (Ciclope and Miedo Extremo) (c) vs. Dysfunction and Eric Dillinger for the GCW World Tag Team Championship

Dillinger sent the champions to the outside and leaped out of the ring to take them out. The action spilled around the venue, with a number of weapons coming into play. Back in the ring, Dysfunction and Dillinger worked together. Dillinger delivered a frog splash to Ciclope. Extremo took down Dillinger after he accidentally collided with Dysfunction. Ciclope landed a DDT on Dillinger. Ciclope set up a barbed wire door on top of two chairs in the center of the ring. Dillinger sent Ciclope through the barbed wire door with a superplex from the top turnbuckle. 


Extremo and Dysfunction went back-and-forth in the center of the ring. Dillinger drove Extremo into the mat, but it wasn't enough to finish him off. Dillinger was sent through a barbed wire door on the outside. Ciclope set his leg on fire and delivered a Shining Wizard to Dysfunction to win. 

Winners and STILL GCW World Tag Team Champions: Los Mazisos (Ciclope and Miedo Extremo) via pinfall

- 15-minute intermission.

Big Joe vs. Hunter Freeman

Joe and Freeman attempted to shoulder tackle one another. Joe responded by smashing a tube over the head of Freeman. Freeman and Joe traded tube strikes to the head. Joe delivered a big DDT in the center of the ring. Joe took control of the match. Joe began to punish Freeman and even used a large stuffed teddy bear. Freeman responded and sent Joe to the outside. Freeman leaped from the ring to take out Joe. Freeman used a cheese grater on the head of Joe. Joe stapled money to Freeman. 


Joe chokeslammed Freeman on the apron. Back in the ring, Joe attempted to use a VHS a weapon. Joe got slammed through a bundle of tubes. Freeman went for a moonsault, but Joe moved out of the way. Joe sent Freeman through a barbed wire door in the corner of the ring. Freeman sent Joe through a pane of glass. Freeman followed up by spearing Joe through a barbed wire door in the corner. Freeman smashed a bundle of tubes over the head of Joe and connected with a big boot to win. 

Winner: Hunter Freeman via pinfall

- After the match, Joe spoke on the microphone and indicated that he'd like a rematch in the future.  

Taipei Deathmatch and Cole Radrick vs. Toshiyuki Sakuda

Mance Warner vs. John Wayne Murdoch in a Taipei Deathmatch

Warner and Murdoch had their hands glued and covered in glass before the match got underway. Warner struck Murdoch in the face. Warner went to work on Murdoch's bleeding forehead. Warner sent a chair into the head of Murdoch on the outside. The fight went around the venue. Murdoch spoke on commentary while he went to work on a busted open Warner. 


Back in the ring, Murdoch continued to punish Warner. Murdoch used a hammer on the forehead and nose of Warner. Warner fought back and used the hammer. Murdoch picked up the hammer and used it on the feet and hands of Warner. Murdoch set up a wooden door in the corner of the ring. Murdoch sent Warner through it. Murdoch used a piece of the broken door as a weapon. 

Murdoch spilled broken glass on the canvas. Warner sent Murdoch into the glass. Murdoch and Warner went back-and-forth. Murdoch sent Warner through a wooden door with a Destroyer from the top turnbuckle. Murdoch choked out Warner to pick up the victory. 

Winner: John Wayne Murdoch via submission 

Cole Radrick vs. Toshiyuki Sakuda

Radrick and Sakuda were unable to get the better of one another in the opening moments of the match. Sakuda sent Radrick to the outside. Radrick returned and attempted to smash a bundle of tubes over the head of Sakuda. Sakuda dodged it and smashed the bundle over Radrick's head. Sakuda used a saw on the forehead of Radrick. 


Sakuda took Radrick around the ringside area while he used the saw as a weapon. Back in the ring, Sakuda continued to wear down Radrick. Sakuda sent Radrick into a bundle of tubes in the corner. Radrick burst out of the corner and took Sakuda off his feet. Radrick delivered an Air Raid Crash. Sakuda smashed tubes into Radrick in the corner. Sakuda missed a high-risk move from the top, allowing Radrick to take advantage.

Radrick used a skewer and pierced it through Sakuda's mouth. Radrick used a fishing rod and attached it to the skewer in Sakuda's mouth. Radrick smashed a number of tubes over the head of Sakuda. Radrick sent Sakuda through a bundle of tubes to win. 

Winner: Cole Radrick via pinfall

- That's all for GCW Wisconsin Death Trip 2022!

