AEW Dynamite Live Coverage (10/26): AEW World Championship Match, Sammy Guevara Faces Bryan Danielson, Riho In Action

"AEW Dynamite" returns to its usual Wednesday night slot tonight as the build towards the upcoming AEW Full Gear PPV continues. While the main event for that was set last week as MJF officially revealed he will be cashing in his title shot then, Jon Moxley will need to secure a win on this show to walk in as champion.


That is because Moxley will be defending his AEW World Championship against Death Triangle member Penta El Zero Miedo, who is currently one-third of the AEW World Trios Champions alongside Rey Fenix and PAC.

Chris Jericho is also set to continue his quest to take down anyone previously associated with Ring Of Honor when he competes against Claudio Castagnoli and Wheeler Yuta, who have both previously held gold in the promotion, in tag team action. He is going to be teaming up with Daniel Garcia for that after the current ROH Pure Champion made his allegiance clear to the Jericho Appreciation Society last week.

That will not be the only match between Blackpool Combat Club members and people associated with Jericho, because Bryan Danielson and Sammy Guevara are also going to be competing against each other.


Elsewhere, Riho is going to be in action in singles action after she made her surprise return to the company last week as she will face Jamie Hayter.

There is also a major tag team match set for this show, in what will be a first-time-ever encounter between FTR and Swerve In Our Glory. The two teams will do battle to earn a shot at the AEW World Tag Team Championships at a future date.

Fans can also expect to hear from MJF tonight, who has plenty to talk about coming off his incredible promo to William Regal last week.

Chris Jericho & Daniel Garcia vs. Wheeler Yuta & Claudio Castagnoli

Chris Jericho starts by flipping the crowd off, but he immediately eats countless uppercuts from Claudio Castagnoli as Jericho tags out, and Daniel Garcia is dropped by one as well. Wheeler Yuta then comes in and remains in control with some chops, but the ROH Pure Champion answers back with a headbutt and then some chops of his own, only for Yuta to slam him to the mat and follow with a senton. 


Both members of the Blackpool Combat Club then have their opponents inside the ring as they hit their elbow strikes, but a distraction from Jake Hager allows 2.0 to break that up. The fight then spills to the outside, but the BCC members continue to dominate. Castagnoli then uppercuts Garcia into a German Suplex, but the double team doesn't get the job done as the Jericho Appreciation Society member tags out. 

Castagnoli looks for the swing but Garcia kicks out and tags Jericho in as they begin going blow for blow, but once again Hager causes an intervention that allows Jericho to hit a springboard dropkick to send him out of the ring. Jericho drops him again with an enziguri, and Garcia returns to action by stomping down on his opponent. Castagnoli powers up with Garcia on his back, and he then suplexes him down, but Jericho takes Yuta off the apron to deny the tag. 


Castagnoli blocks the Codebreaker and then the Walls Of Jericho before pushing him into the air for an uppercut which allows for a hot tag as Yuta comes in with a diving splash. Jericho tags out and he then attacks Garcia as well, with a Samoan Drop from Yuta getting a near fall. Jericho chops the windpipe of Yuta, but he and Castagnoli work together and a DDT almost gets them the win. 

Castagnoli then springboards in the air, but is met with the Codebreaker, which forces Yuta to break the pin. He then dives out of the ring to take out three men, but back in the ring Jericho tries to use a baseball bat only for Castagnoli to powerbomb him instead, which transitions into the Giant Swing with Garcia on his back at the same time! Hager eats a big boot and then a senton as Castagnoli takes out everyone else at ringside in the sequence. Back in the ring, Castagnoli nails the Neutrolizer to get the win.

Winners: Claudio Castagnoli & Wheeler Yuta

Renee Paquette is then shown with Bryan Danielson, who admits he is frustrated at losing to Jericho and that Garcia turned on him, as well as that Yuta talked back to him. He knows people hate Sammy Guevara, but all his frustration is going to get taken out on him. That leads to Yuta appearing as he points out they just won, the two of them then push until Castagnoli and William Regal split them up.


A video package is then shown about The Elite as some of their great moments are brought up, but they are constantly being burnt out of the video as things eventually fade away. 

The Jericho Appreciation Society are then shown backstage, but AEW is having some sound issues and it isn't clear what they're saying. However, Jericho says he is fired up, and now he's going to beat any former ROH Champions, and he issues an open challenge for next week.

FTR vs. Swerve In Our Glory (#1 Contender's Match)

Gunn Club are shown at ringside in the crowd before the match, while The Acclaimed also appear and sit at the top of the ramp while the fans just chant for the champions. When the match begins Swerve Strickland and Cash Wheeler take their time as they feel each other out, with Dax Harwood then coming in and suplexing his opponent down as he follows with a short leg drop.


Keith Lee comes in and FTR attempt the Big Rig, which isn't possible, and then Lee ends up leapfrogging both FTR members before wiping them out with a double crossbody, and he then drops Wheeler with a double handed chop. After Swerve tags in to dominate briefly, Lee then returns with another big chop to Wheeler. The FTR star begins throwing some hands of his own, but he tries to stretch for the tag to no avail. 

However, Lee misses wildly with an attempted splash as Strickland then tags in only to be back body dropped as Harwood comes in and throws chops toward his opponent. Harwood then throws a bunch to Lee, who he then sidesteps to the floor, but the distraction allows for several pinfall attempts until Strickland accidentally slips off the ropes which provides a break. 


Harwood connects with a high German suplex, and Wheeler comes in as FTR ping-pong him back and forth with a Dragon suplex almost getting the job done. Lee manages to tag in himself and he throws his opponent as Lee and Swerve then sandwich him. Lee throws Wheeler into the air as Strickland catches and powerbombs him, but the FTR star kicks out! Wheeler hits a hurricanrana to Lee, but Harwood then pushes his partner away to save him. He catches Strickland in mid-air and looks for the slingshot powerbomb which is reversed, but Harwood counters it and then hits it. 

Lee attacks Wheeler again in the corner, but Harwood tags in and he looks for a suplex from the top turnbuckle, he is able to hit it, and Wheeler dives in with a splash upon landing, but he doesn't hit it flush and Lee kicks out! FTR aim for the Big Rig but Harwood doesn't have the strength, however Wheeler then splits the attempted double team from their opponents, and FTR hits Big Rig!

However, Strickland is on hand to pull Harwood out of the ring to stop the pinfall, and he then throws Wheeler into the barricade to hit the Gunns. Back in the ring, Strickland sneaks a low blow, allowing Lee to slam his opponent to the mat while the Gunn's hold Wheeler to stop him making the save.


Winners: Swerve In Our Glory

After the match, Gunn Club attack FTR but The Acclaimed make the save.

Paquette is then shown with Saraya, but Britt Baker breaks things up and they start arguing until Paquette breaks it up and says if they want to talk, they'll do it properly.

Renee Paquette Interviews MJF

Renee Paquette is on the ring entrance and she welcomes MJF, but he immediately cuts her off to ask if there are any Devil worshippers in the house. He calls her Ravishing Renee who the disgusting poors would love to lay. She asks what he thinks about wrestling Jon Moxley, and he decides to get on the microphone and do an impression of him, before saying the only word that he thinks of with him is mid. 


MJF says he might have got out of control when he said he'd wrestle the title match clean, he's still MJF lets get real. MJF says something got under his skin, which was when the flea infested William Regal decided to tell him that he didn't use his brass knuckles because he needed to, but because he wanted to. He thinks that is alluding to him not being able to beat Moxley without his Dynamite Diamond ring, so MJF promises he won't use it at Full Gear.

MJF says all he has needed to be a success is a grudge, and he is full of them. He has made them into a chip that is on his shoulder, and at Full Gear he's not fighting Regal, Moxley, or Penta, he's fighting any scumbag who said he's not good enough. He will shove that chip down the throats of anyone who doubted him, but he then gets interrupted by Stokely Hathaway, but he slaps the microphone out of his hand. 


MJF says Hathaway might have got comfortable as they've known each other for a long time, and he says if Moxley wins the main event, he needs him at 110% so they have no excuses. He tells Hathaway to not go near him, lay a hand on him, or look at him, or else he is fired.

A video package is shown for The Kingdom, with Matt Taven saying that he will be the TNT Champion. Wardlow is then shown reacting, saying Taven can say what he wants, but in the ring with him none of it matters, and this Friday it is inevitable he will win.

Sammy Guevara w/Tay Melo vs. Bryan Danielson

Sammy Guevara catches Bryan Danielson with a knee strike immediately as he continues the attack in the corner, and he then springboards into the cutter, almost catching out the American Dragon straight away. The Blackpool Combat Club star then manages to bring Guevara down, and he locks in the Romero Special, before transitioning with some elbow and knee strikes to the head of his opponent. 


Danielson comes in with several big uppercuts and chops, but Guevara follows back with some of his own, only for Danielson to absorb them with his neck, allowing him to regain control with kicks in the corner. He takes down Guevara and attacks him with further strikes, but the Spanish God smartly rolls out of the ring, only to eat a dropkick. However, when Danielson looks to jump off the ring apron, Guevara hits a knee and then a huge moonsault from the top rope to the floor.

With the official then distracted, Tay Melo adds insult to injury, pulling Danielson's arm on the bottom rope. Guevara then talks trash to Danielson before delivering some round kicks of his own, but Danielson then charges back with a big elbow strike. He begins unloading uppercuts and then dumps Guevara to the outside, as he follows by diving to the floor to drive his elbow into Guevara's head. 


Back in the ring, Danielson connects with a shotgun dropkick, and he then brings his kicks only for him to miss with the last one as Guevara hits a standing Spanish Fly, but Danielson kicks out. Guevara then takes too long on the top turnbuckle, but as Danielson throws him, Guevara lands on his feet. He then looks for three different high risk moves, but Danielson avoids then and catches him into a LeBell Lock. 

Guevara gets to the ropes, and Danielson is then caught taking too long at the top turnbuckle as Guevara jumps up and connects with a Spanish Fly, but Danielson kicks out once more. Guevara looks for the GTH, but Danielson counters with a reverse hurricanrana. He then sets up in the corner, and the Busaiko Knee turns Guevara inside out. He then stomps down on his face before putting in a Triangle Choke with some elbow strikes as Guevara fades.

Winner: Bryan Danielson

Alex Abrahantes and Rey Fenix are shown backstage as they claim Penta will be the double-double champion tonight. Alex suggests Fenix should be the next All-Atlantic Champion, but Christian Cage and Luchasaurus interrupt, and Cage points out his man beat Jungle Boy, who was able to beat Fenix. Orange Cassidy then appears, and he says next week, let's do this.


Riho vs. Jamie Hayter w/Rebel & Britt Baker

Jamie Hayter's strength and power advantage is clearly early as she takes Riho into the corner several times, despite that, she sends her opponent to the outside and Riho dives from the top turnbuckle to Hayter on the floor with a huge crossbody. However, Hayter's power comes out on top again as she drives her opponent into the turnbuckle, and then the ring apron. 


Back in the ring she hits a Snap suplex before driving Riho into the second turnbuckle, with Hayter stomping back on her head after. She then dumps her out of the ring with Britt Baker getting the chance to attack her when the official isn't looking. Riho then starts trying to throw hands at her opponent, but one slug works for Hayter, that is until Riho uses her agility to avoid attacks. 

Riho is able to plant Hayter to the mat after that before stomping on her for good measure, and Riho then wipes out Rbel before dropping Hayter onto the second ropes. However, she blocks the 619 attempt, only for Riho to hit a Northern Light's supelx, which gets a near fall. Riho looks for a crossbody but Hayter rolls through and connects with a Brainbuster, yet Riho kicks out!


Hayter then hits a clubbing blow to the back of Riho, but she reverses the next move with a crossbody to land on Hayter, who runs into a double boot and then a hurricanrana. Despite that, Baker grabs Riho's boots for a distraction, yet Riho reverses whatever Hayter has planned with a Code Red, but that doesn't get the job done. The Englishwoman hits a backbreaker, but Riho bounces back straight away with a suplex, which forces Hayter to kick out this time. 

She then charges into the corner and misses, and while Riho avoids the Ripcord Lariat twice, Hayter connects with the third to win. 

Winner: Jamie Hayter

After the match Toni Storm appears as she lifts up the title to point to Hayter as they both tease a title match. 

Eddie Kingston is then shown with Renee Paquette, and he says he is wonderful, and says it is great through a forced smile. He wants to move on and talk about Jon Moxley, he says it'll be hard but he thinks Moxley will take it, and then says everyone else can leave him alone as he shows more obviously fake smiles. 

A video package is then shown as Darby Allin explains Sting has been gone because he asked Sting to allow himself to prove his ability alone. He says Jay Lethal should bring his 'old friend' who claims to know his biggest weakness. 


Jon Moxley (c) vs. Pental El Zero Miedo (AEW World Championship Match)

The two men waste no time in going back and forth with big chops and strikes as Penta superkicks the champion out of the ring as he follows up by diving over the top rope to wipe him out. Jon Moxley comes right back after him on the outside, but it is the masked man who reverses with a snap suplex of his own as he then slams the champion onto the steel stairs repeatedly. 


He then places Moxley onto the ring post and slaps him, but as he tries to do it again Moxley moves, with Penta slapping the steel instead, yet back in the ring the challenger gets back in control with a backstabber. He then looks to charge into Moxley in the corner, but he reverses with an overhead belly-to-belly, which crashes the Death Triangle star into the turnbuckles as he follows up with several lariats and punches. 

Penta hits a thrust kick, but Moxley nails a big boot of his own only for the challenger to hit the Slingblade, which grants him a near fall. The champion once again turns things around with a cutter and then a Piledriver, and this time it is Penta that has to kick out as Moxley then puts in a version of the LeBell Lock before transitioning into the hammer and anvil elbow strikes.


Penta counters again as he snaps the arm of Moxley! The two men then go back and forth on the ring apron with Penta rocking Moxley who goes back to the stairs, and Penta then dives onto him but Moxley catches him and hits a DDT onto the steel. Moxley then lands the King Kong Lariat, but Penta manages to kick out to keep the match alive. Moxley then sets Penta on the top turnbuckle, but he slides down and kicks out the knee which leaves Moxley hanging as Penta comes down with a diving foot stomp. He hits the Fear Factor, and Moxley just kicks out! 

The challenger looks to continue the attack, but Moxley then drops Penta with a Paradigm Shift, following it with the Death Rider to retain. 

Winner (and still AEW World Champion): Jon Moxley

Afterwards all of The Firm members appear and begin jumping the champion as Stokely Hathaway appears and screams at them to attack him. Security come out but they all get jumped as well. Meanwhile, backstage the Blackpool Combat Club locker room is chained shut and they are trapped, allowing The Firm to pick the bones of Moxley, despite MJF's earlier orders. Moxley tries to fight back, but the numbers game is too much. 

MJF then appears and he is conflicted at the top of the ramp, but he opts to walk back and leave, only to then charge back to the ring as he fires Hathaway. He screams at Moxley and turns around into a thrust kick from Ethan Page, and The Firm then jumps MJF as well as he is sent crashing through the timekeeper's table outside the ring. 

