WWE NXT Halloween Havoc 2022 Results (10/22): Bron Breakker Vs. Ilja Dragunov Vs. JD McDonagh For The NXT Title

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WWE "NXT" presents Halloween Havoc 2022 from Orlando, FL. Three championship matches will take place, including a match for "NXT" Championship as Bron Breakker defends the gold in a triple threat match against Ilja Dragunov and JD McDonagh. Elsewhere, Mandy Rose will put the "NXT" Women's Championship on the line against Alba Fyre and a new "NXT" North American Champion will be crowned in a five-way ladder match. In addition to those championship bouts, a new chapter will be written in Cora Jade and Roxanne Perez's feud when the pair collide in a Weapons Wild match. 

Announced card

* Bron Breakker (c) vs. JD McDonagh vs. Ilja Dragunov in a triple threat match for the "NXT" Championship

* Mandy Rose (c) vs. Alba Fyre for the "NXT" Women's Championship


* Cora Jade vs. Roxanne Perez in a Weapons Wild match

* Carmelo Hayes vs. Oro Mensah vs. Wes Lee vs. Von Wagner vs. Nathan Frazer in a ladder match for the vacant "NXT" North American Championship

* Julius Creed vs. Damon Kemp in an Ambulance match (if Julius loses the match, Brutus Creed will have to leave "NXT")

* Apollo Crews vs. Grayson Waller in a match TBD by Spin the Wheel, Make the Deal

NXT North American Championship Ladder Match

- The opening Halloween Havoc video package played, featuring Chucky. 

Carmelo Hayes w/ Trick Williams vs. Oro Mensah vs. Wes Lee vs. Von Wagner w/ Mr. Stone vs. Nathan Frazer in a ladder match for the vacant "NXT" North American Championship


The match began with all five men looking up at the title suspended above the ring. The action spilled to the ringside area. Frazer took a dive from the top turnbuckle to take out Wagner on the floor. The first ladder was introduced in the ring. Frazer sent Hayes face-first into the ladder set up in the corner. Frazer set the ladder up in the center of the ring. Another ladder was brought into the ring. Lee used the second ladder as a weapon on Wagner. Wagner responded with a big boot. Wagner powerbombed Frazer onto a ladder set up on the turnbuckles. Wagner attempted to climb a ladder in the middle of the ring, but was stopped by Hayes. Hayes attempted to climb the ladder, but Frazer returned with a missile dropkick. Lee then dropped a ladder on Frazer from the corner. 


Hayes delivered a leg drop to Mensah on a ladder. Hayes then connected a Spanish Fly to Frazer on a ladder. Mensah attempted to climb the ladder, but Williams pushed him off onto the rest of the competitors on the outside. Williams and Stone climbed the ladder. Williams pushed Stone off the ladder. Wagner pulled out a large ladder from underneath the ring and set it up between the ring and the barricade. Frazer ended up putting Wagner through the ladder with a frog splash from the top. Lee pulled out another giant ladder from underneath the ring. Wagner positioned a ladder in the center of the ring. Wagner threw Lee from the ring to the commentary desk. On the outside, Wagner was sent over the barricade with a mini ladder by Frazer and Mensah. Mensah and Frazer then fought at the top of the ladder in the ring. Hayes ended up alone in the ring, but Lee returned to stop him in his tracks. Lee connected with double knees to Hayes on a ladder positioned between the ropes and the ladder in the center of the ring. Lee climbed the ladder in the middle of the ring and grabbed the title. 

Winner and NEW "NXT" North American Champion: Wes Lee

- Backstage, JD McDonagh was shown getting focused ahead of the "NXT" Championship match.


- A cinematic video played showing Toxic Attraction going after Alba Fyre at a spooky, undisclosed location. 

Casket Match

Apollo Crews vs. Grayson Waller in a Spin the Wheel, Make the Deal: Casket match

Waller immediately went after Crews. Crews quickly responded and took control of the match. Crews worked on a Waller in the corner and delivered two chops to the chest. Waller replied and sent Crews down on the canvas. Waller mocked The Undertaker by sitting up and laughing. Crews also sat up and looked directly at Waller. The action spilled to the outside. Crews launched Waller on the floor. Crews sent Waller onto the commentary table. Waller used a pen to the face to fend off Crews. 


On the top turnbuckle, Waller delivered a thumb to the eye and Crews fell through the casket positioned on the outside. The lights went out in the arena. Crews reemerged with a number of druids, who brought out another larger casket. Crews went after Waller with the steel steps. Crews once again launched Waller on the floor. After going to work on his opponent in the ring, Crews sent Waller into the casket. Waller prevented Crews from closing the lid. Crews connected with a frog splash to Waller on the floor. Waller went for a Tombstone in the center of the ring, but Crews countered. Crews launched Waller into the casket from the apron and closed the lid. 

Winner: Apollo Crews

- A video played of Andre Chase teaching a class about Halloween Havoc. 


- Alba Fyre was shown driving with Mandy Rose after the champion was kidnapped during the cinematic video earlier in the show. 

- The "NXT" Tag Team Champions Pretty Deadly and the "NXT" Women's Tag Team Champions Katana Chance and Kayden Carter were interviewed. 

Weapons Wild Match

Cora Jade vs. Roxanne Perez in a Weapons Wild match

Perez brought Jade's old skateboard to the ring and initially tried to use it as a weapon. After a back-and-forth, Perez pulled out a table from underneath the ring and positioned it against the barricade. Jade was hiding under the ring, and she sprayed Perez in the face with an unidentified liquid. Jade followed up by swinging Perez into the barricade. Jade set up a pile of chairs in the ring. Jade used a trash can as a weapon on Perez. Jade continued to punish Perez on the outside with a rope. 


Perez eventually turned the tables after dodging Jade's steel chain attack. Back in the ring, Perez repeatedly struck Jade with a kendo stick. Jade attempted to dodge Perez by escaping into the crowd. Jade managed to bodyslam Perez on the stage that was set up for the pre-show. Jade removed one of the safety railings. Both competitors ended up crashing down through two tables below. As the action returned to the ring, Perez sent Jade onto the pile of chairs. Perez followed it up with a Pop Rox onto the chairs to win. 

Winner: Roxanne Perez via pinfall

- Backstage, Ilja Dragunov was shown preparing for the "NXT" Championship match

- Shotzi was introduced as the host of the show. Shotzi hyped up the matches still to come. Quincy Elliott was then introduced. Lash Legend made her way out. Legend said she had seen enough. Elliott told Legend to go back to the locker room. Legend said she had a problem with Shotzi hosting the show. Shotzi attacked Legend with a DDT. 


- A video aired featuring Schism teasing a new member of their group.

Ambulance Match and NXT Women's Championship Match

Julius Creed vs. Damon Kemp in an Ambulance match (if Julius loses the match, Brutus Creed will have to leave "NXT")

Creed, with a steel chair in hand, connected with a dropkick from the top before the bell rang. As soon as the bell rang, a back-and-firth brawl began. On the outside, Creed launched Kemp. Creed attempted to finish the match early and sent Kemp into the ambulance. Kemp used a crutch to stop Creed from closing both doors. Kemp used the crutch as a weapon. Creed replied by spraying a fire extinguisher at Kemp. Back at ringside, Kemp sent Creed into the steel steps. Kemp then knocked Creed down with the steps. Kemp tried to carry Creed to the ambulance. 


At the ambulance, Kemp slammed one of the doors into the head of Creed. Kemp put Creed inside the ambulance. Creed kicked one of the ambulance doors open to prevent Kemp from ending the bout. Back in the ring, Kemp slammed Creed onto the steel steps. Creed placed Kemp into a wheelchair on the floor and sent him face-first into the steel steps on the apron. After taking further punishment, Kemp went back-and-forth with Creed. Kemp placed Creed in the ambulance and repeatedly slammed one of the doors on his fingers. Creed exited the ambulance and used a series of weapons, including delivering ten steel chair shots to the back of Kemp. Creed carried Kemp to the ambulance and closed the doors to win. 


Winner: Julius Creed

- Backstage, the ambulance was shown leaving. Alba Fyre pulled up in her car with Mandy Rose. Fyre went after Rose as they brawled all the way down to the ring. 

Mandy Rose (c) vs. Alba Fyre for the "NXT" Women's Championship

Rose fought back after the bell rang and worked on Fyre in the corner of the ring. Rose sent Fyre into the commentary table on the outside. Rose continued to inflict punishment on Fyre as the action returned to the ring. Fyre dropped Rose face-first onto the canvas as she attempted to build momentum. Rose replied with a spinebuster. Fyre turned the tables and connected with a Swanton Bomb. Jayne and Dolin interfered and pulled the referee out of the ring. The referee was ultimately taken out. Rose went for a big knee and missed. Fyre hit a Gory Bomb, but there was no referee. Dolin and Jayne attacked Fyre on the outside, which ultimately allowed Rose to pick up the win. 

Winner and STILL "NXT" Women's Champion: Mandy Rose via pinfall

- Backstage, Bron Breakker was shown just moments before his "NXT" Championship defense. 

- Backstage, Zoey Stark and Nikkita Lyons were interviewed.  

NXT Championship Match

Bron Breakker (c) vs. JD McDonagh vs. Ilja Dragunov in a triple threat match for the "NXT" Championship

Dragunov and Breakker immediately got their hands on McDonagh. McDonagh took advantage when Breakker and Dragunov almost came to blows. McDonagh sent Breakker out of the ring and took the fight to Dragunov. Breakker returned and used his power to inflict punishment on McDonagh and Dragunov. Breakker and Dragunov went at it in the ring as McDonagh waited to pick his spot on the outside. McDonagh ended up walking into an attack from Dragunov. 


Dragunov took control of the match and sent McDonagh into Breakker in the corner of the ring. Dragunov then connected with a Coast-to-Coast. Breakker and Dragunov traded blows in the middle of the ring. McDonagh applauded them, but was then attacked by Breakker and Dragunov. Breakker and Dragunov went nose-to-nose as the pair collided once again. Breakker delivered a Frankensteiner to McDonagh which Dragunov turned into a powerbomb. 

All three competitors went to war in the center of the ring. Dragunov and Breakker ended up on the outside, and McDonagh took them out with a leap over the ropes. A number of near-falls were then traded back inside the ring. Breakker delivered a double German suplex to McDonagh and Dragunov. McDonagh almost stole the victory when it appeared that Breakker had done enough to finish off Dragunov. Breakker sent McDonagh out of the ring. Dragunov sent Breakker down and then connected with a Torpedo Moscow, but McDonagh returned to the ring just in time to break the cover. 


McDonagh attempted to attack Dragunov with a steel chair on the outside. Dragunov sent McDonagh into the commentary table. Back in the ring, Breakker and Dragunov traded blows once again. Breakker caught Dragunov with a spear to win the match.

Winner and STILL "NXT" Champion: Bron Breakker via pinfall

- That's all of WWE "NXT" Halloween Havoc!

