Jake Roberts Believes Bret Hart Got What He Deserved With Infamous WWE Angle

The Montreal Screwjob remains one of the most talked about incidents in wrestling history to this day, despite the fact it happened back in 1997. Seeing Bret Hart legitimately screwed out of WWE Championship is something that caused huge shockwaves in the business, with many being disappointed with the situation. However, Jake Roberts has a different opinion on how it was handled, as he explained on the latest episode of the "DDP Snake Pit" podcast, saying, "You didn't get screwed assh*le, you got what you deserved."


"I don't agree with that at all," Roberts said on wrestlers refusing to drop a title. "There's been so many guys get away with it too, holding up promoters because they don't want to lose the title in a certain area ... How do you have the right not to drop that title, that title was given you, you did not beat up anybody to get that."

While a lot of people in the wrestling industry took Hart's side in regards to the Montreal Screwjob, Roberts simply explained he finds wrestlers not dropping titles to be "very selfish, and it's wrong," with the Hall Of Famer being against the idea. Although, there are people such as Road Dogg that are still not convinced that incident was a shoot

"The reason you have that title is because some other schmuck was a good enough guy to lose it to you," Roberts said. "So you not dropping that title tells me you don't give a f**k about anybody else but yourself ... and if you're contemplating doing it, that's for you."


If you use any quotes from this article, please credit "DDP Snake Pit" with a H/T to Wrestling Inc. for the transcription. 

