Huge Update On Patrick Clark's Assault Case

One week after being released from Seminole County Jail in Florida, PWInsider has a new update on the pending court case of Patrick Clark, better known in the wrestling world as former "WWE NXT" star Velveteen Dream. Court records indicate that Clark's upcoming court appearance — initially scheduled for August 20, 2022 — surrounding charges of battery and trespassing, has been canceled. Information provided by the court points to a lack of evidence in the case, leading the prosecutors to label the case "not suitable for prosecution."


As noted, police records stated that Clark got into a physical altercation with an employee at the Club Orlando fitness gym after being asked to leave a portion of the gym for it to be properly cleaned. Clark became "irate and argumentative" toward the staff member, so he was asked to leave the facility altogether. It was then that the former "NXT" North American Champion allegedly threatened the employee's life, resulting in a fight where Clark was said to have bit the man in the left pec. Clark ultimately entered a plea of "not guilty" and was released on a $1200 bond, which, according to PWInsider's report, "was released back to the person who put it on 9/9." Clark was released from jail on September 13, 2022.


The latest arrest triggered a probation violation stemming from previous charges of possession of cocaine, use or possession of drug paraphernalia, destroying/altering/concealing physical evidence, and having no lamps/illuminating devices in his vehicle. When that incident occurred, Clark was incarcerated for 25 days in the same Seminole County jail. Clark was released by WWE in May 2021 but had not appeared on television since losing to Adam Cole in December 2020. 

